.I MN(4):1 .T J +3 .!TXT1 !!!!! .!TXT2 !TXT1 .!MORE ._ P .!CLRT .P ""This horse would swell a Pasha with .P " pride. My own wives labored for long .P " nights on these fine saddlebags." .$ P .!MORE .P ""This butter would make a fine tribute .P " for any shrine. The tsampa and tea are .P " fit for the table of Allah himself." .!MORE .P ""What would you like to buy?" .S MN(3)=1 .3 ROOM 2.1 .!GOTO !TXT2 .I MW(1):1 .T P ""The horse will carry you to the .T P " farthest reaches for only 489 rupees." .I MW(3):1 .T P ""The saddlebags are just 30 rupees." .T !MORE .I MW(10):1 .T P ""The butter will be yours for a mere .T P " three rupees." .T !MORE .I MW(11):1 .T P ""This most fragrant of teas can be had .T P " for only three rupees." .I MW(9):1 .T P ""A jar of tsampa is a mere six." .T !MORE .I MW(12):1 .T P ""Finally, this fine canvas tent is only .T P " 75 rupees." .S L=0 .S L=L++ .I MW(L):1 .T J +4 .E I L<13 .T J -4 .P ""Kind sir, I have nothing more to sell." .S MN(3)=1 .3 ROOM 2.1 .!GOTO @